SACA Releases New Micro-Credentials
The Smart Automation Certification Alliance (SACA) is pleased to announce the release of new micro-credentials covering a variety of smart automation technologies into pilot phase. SACA members are encouraged to begin offering these credentials to ensure the workforce is certified in these essential areas:
- C-217 Smart Manufacturing Fundamentals
Prepares individuals to describe the principles, technologies, and applications of Smart Manufacturing, Industry 4.0, and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and how they affect the competitive position of manufacturers. Further, individuals must be able to safely operate basic smart automation systems that use Human Machine Interface (HMI) panels, monitor system operation parameters and energy usage using HMI visualization software, and connect/test to smart devices through point-to-point Ethernet communications.
- C-218 Smart Manufacturing Data Acquisition
Prepares individuals to identify types of manufacturing data and its function, describe how smart manufacturing data is collected and stored, set up and operate a dedicated cloud-based data acquisition system, interface and test analog and discrete sensing devices, configure and test wired and wireless Ethernet communications to sensors, and view data stored in a dedicated data acquisition system.
- C-219 Smart Manufacturing Visualization and Data Analytics
Prepares individuals to organize and interpret data using a variety of visualization methods, set up and operate visualization displays using dedicated and controller-based data acquisition systems, set up programmable controllers to collect data, configure Bluetooth technology to transfer information between devices, use OPC server software to facilitate data exchange between a smart device and a database or another smart device, set up Excel Spreadsheet, and use Excel to analyze data.
- C-220 Smart Manufacturing Data Transmission and Cybersecurity
Prepares individuals to assess potential cyber security threats to an industrial smart manufacturing system and data transmission methods, use best practices to protect stored and transmitted data against cyber security attacks, respond effectively to cyber security attacks, and set up secure industrial local area networks and firewalls.
- C-305 Industrial Electronic Systems 1
Prepares individuals to connect, adjust, operate, and troubleshoot industrial electronic linear DC power supplies, discrete input devices, and analog input devices. Troubleshooting skills include: adhering to electronic troubleshooting safety rules, reading electronic circuit diagrams, systems troubleshooting, component testing, and using digital multimeters, oscilloscopes, and status indicators. Components include: diodes, rectification circuits, Wheatstone bridge circuits, filter circuits, regulators, BJT transistors, PNP and NPN relays, analog temperature sensors, analog pressure sensors, analog proximity sensors, and signal conditioner circuits.
- C-306 Industrial Electronic Systems 2
Prepares individuals to connect, adjust, operate, and troubleshoot industrial electronic switching circuits used for motor control, switching power supplies and heating. Troubleshooting skills include: systems troubleshooting, component testing, and using digital multimeters, oscilloscopes, and status indicators. Components: FET/JFET/MOSFET/IGBT transistors, PWM amplifiers, switching DC power supplies, variable frequency amplifier circuits, operational amplifiers, SCR DC motor control switching circuits, and TRIAC AC motor control and heating switching circuits.
- C-307 Electronic Systems Installation 1
Prepares individuals to install and test/commission industrial electrical control systems that incorporate programmable logic controllers (PLC), human machine interface (HMI) panels, and variable frequency AC drives (VFD). Key skills include: adhering to electronic installation safety rules, using proper PPE, reading wiring installation diagrams with PLCs/HMIs/VFDs; cabinet mounting PLCs/HMIs/VFDs, wire routing and grounding PLCs/HMIs/VFDs, soldering/de-soldering to component terminals and printed circuit boards, installing Modbus and Ethernet communications network, and installing analog input transmitters and analog sensors.
- C-308 Variable Frequency Drive Systems 2
Prepares individuals to connect, configure, adjust, operate, and troubleshoot advanced AC variable frequency motor drives using sensorless vector and flux vector control modes. Key skills include: configuring control mode, connecting a VFD with 3-phase input, wiring/testing a dual channel incremental encoder interface and troubleshooting, configuring external speed control, monitoring and configuring PC-based drive software, configuring USB and Ethernet communications, and configuring/programming VFD communications with programmable logic controller.
- C-309 Programmable Controller Systems 2
Prepares individuals to program, configure, monitor, operate, and troubleshoot Ethernet communications between intelligent industrial automation devices using wired and wireless Ethernet communications. Key skills include: PLC implicit and explicit messaging, PLC distributed I/O, VFD-PLC Ethernet communications, VLAN security, wireless Ethernet networks, and IACS network troubleshooting.
- C-310 Ethernet Communications 2
Prepares individuals to program, configure, monitor, operate, and troubleshoot Ethernet communications between intelligent industrial automation devices using wired and wireless Ethernet communications. Key skills include: PLC implicit and explicit messaging, PLC distributed I/O, VFD-PLC Ethernet communications, VLAN security, wireless Ethernet networks, and IACS network troubleshooting.
- C-311 Data Analytics 1
Prepares individuals to program, configure, monitor, and operate cloud-based data analytics and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) software systems in an Industry 4.0 environment. Key skills include: configuring production statistics collection from PLCs and other controllers via Ethernet networks, configuring production statistics and alarm dashboard display, OPC server configuration/interfacing to control devices, configuring maintenance management application, configuring alarm screen, configuring SQL database for storage of data from SCADA software, developing queries to SQL database to display data, and analyzing data to optimize systems.
- C-312 Robot Systems Integration 2
Prepares individuals to program, interface, and troubleshoot industrial robot systems in an Industry 4.0 automation environment. Key skills include: interfacing analog I/O to robot, communicating I/O control data to/from a PLC via Ethernet/IP network, vision guidance, and vision inspection. Programs commands include: group I/O, position offset, position register, analog I/O, Ethernet handshaking, end-effector macro, robot system troubleshooting, and alarm screen interpretation.
Smart automation technologies are vital parts of many major industries. These industries need highly skilled workers to fill thousands of open positions, and employers need to know that potential employees have the skills they need to hit the ground running.
That’s why SACA’s new micro-credentials were developed with input and guidance from a combination of industry experts and representatives from a variety of educational organizations. Thanks to these organizations and their expertise on the skills and competencies needed for today’s smart manufacturing workforce, SACA was able to create these new nationally recognized, occupation-driven micro-credentials.
About SACA
SACA sits at the forefront of the effort to certify students and workers who demonstrate the required knowledge and hands-on smart automation skills employers so desperately need. SACA’s certifications were developed in conjunction with industry partners who could speak from experience about their needs when it comes to workers able to work alongside a variety of advanced automation technologies.
SACA offers a wide variety of certifications in popular industrial skill areas, including certifications at the Associate, Specialist, and Professional level. For those wishing to focus on building a strong foundation of skills employers need, SACA also offers many micro-credentials that allow students and workers to add certifications as they master new areas.
For workers, SACA certifications can help market their smart automation skills to potential employers. For those employers, SACA certifications represent confirmation that a worker has the skills to hit the ground running in the workplace. To learn more about Industry 4.0 certifications and how SACA can help both future workers and industrial employers begin the task of bridging the Industry 4.0 skills gap, contact SACA for more information.
- Published in News
In a Pickle: AI Increases Production Efficiency at Kraft Heinz
In the year 2025, most people have at least a general understanding of the role advanced automation technology plays in their lives, including jobs that used to predominantly involve manual labor. For example, people walking into a modern automobile manufacturing facility would not be surprised to see rows of robots welding vehicle frames together.
Most people would also expect to find advanced automation technologies in facilities manufacturing high-tech products like semiconductors and electric vehicle batteries. But what about condiments? Does the automation technology revolution extend to industries like food and beverage?
The answer to that question is a resounding yes! According to a Food Dive article by Christopher Doering, “Kraft Heinz is using artificial intelligence to produce a better Claussen pickle.” So, the next time you ask for extra pickles on that burger, realize that artificial intelligence (AI) might have played a role in producing what you’re eating.
Those who have made pickles at home know that the basic process of making a pickle looks something like cucumber plus brine plus time equals pickle. While that may be easy enough in your home kitchen, doing so at scale can be quite a challenge.
For example, Doering notes that “Kraft Heinz processes approximately 60 million cucumbers annually to make roughly 42 million jars of Claussen, the country’s top-selling refrigerated pickle brand.” That’s a lot of pickles. Indeed, “[t]he cucumbers that turn into Claussen pickles move from vine to brine in 10 days or fewer, giving Kraft Heinz little room for error.”
What’s the big dill? (Pun totally intended.) According to Doering, “It’s paramount that Kraft Heinz knows what the cucumbers coming into the Claussen plant in Illinois look like so it can prepare — varying circumferences, lengths and bends can wreak havoc on planning and require changes to the production line where the spears are processed.”
Bill Durbin, the head of North America logistics and planning at Kraft Heinz, explains: “With pickles, the circumference matters, the size matters, the length matters, the bend of the cucumber, all of those things, depending on what they are, we will operate differently within the site, as well as quality.”
Durbin claims that “it’s super important that we identify issues as fast as possible and then make sure that we get the sizing correct so we can get the best efficiency as we run those things down the line. This allows us to get the best quality cucumber and the best quality pickles at the end.”
Kraft Heinz now uses AI and machine learning to automate the once-manual process of identifying issues in its cucumber supply. Durbin notes that “by having that level of certainty on what that product is, we can address that right away so we know where to send it within the factory, or if it’s an issue, we can get that real-time feedback to the suppliers to be able to address.”
And the result for Kraft Heinz? According to Durbin, “[o]n pickles, specifically, we’ve seen, since we put this in place, we’ve seen a 12% increase in efficiency from that. By being able to make this process and identify these things, we’ve been able to make sure that the pickles are getting routed to the right place to give us the best efficiency possible, and also to give that feedback to the suppliers.”
Given these impressive results, Durbin notes that Kraft Heinz is considering utilizing AI and machine learning in a similar way with other foods they process, such as tomatoes and potatoes. Perhaps one day your French fries will have been made more efficiently thanks to AI.
Of course, implementing new advanced automation technologies isn’t without its challenges. For example, many manufacturers already can’t find enough workers to fill open positions. Where are they going to find the highly skilled workers to take advantage of these new technologies?
The solution, of course, is to either upskill current workers or hire new workers with the advanced automation technology skills they require. How can manufacturers be certain prospective workers have the skills they need?
Manufacturers should look for candidates with industry-standard credentials that prove they already possess the skills they need to thrive. For example, if workers possess a certification from the Smart Automation Certification Alliance (SACA), employers can feel confident they’ve already proven they have the knowledge and hands-on skills needed for working with advanced smart automation technologies. SACA has been hard at work collaborating with industry leaders to develop a wide variety of industry-standard certifications that will help employers find workers who possess the advanced connected-systems skills they need to take their businesses to the next level. Be sure to check out SACA and all it has to offer!
- Published in News
Could Technology Consolidation Bridge the Manufacturing Skills Gap?
Everyone knows about the manufacturing skills gap, right? In a nutshell, there are hundreds of thousands of open manufacturing positions that companies are having a hard time filling. And they’ve been having a hard time filling positions for years now. Why is that?
Experts began using the term “skills gap” years ago to reflect the fact that manufacturers utilizing new advanced automation technologies needed not only more workers, but workers who possessed more advanced skills than ever before. Simply put, the demand for highly skilled workers far exceeds the current supply. In fact, Deloitte and the Manufacturing Institute estimate that 1.9 million manufacturing jobs could remain unfilled by the year 2033 if things don’t change.
In a recent SupplyChainBrain article, author Josh Cranfill discusses the curious role that technology plays in the ongoing manufacturing skills gap problem. Cranfill notes that “[a]utomation…is a double-edge sword, capable of accelerating production and reducing the need for humans on the shop floor, yet also creating new opportunities, especially since many manufacturers have a long way to go on their digital transformation.”
Cranfill highlights some of the struggles that manufacturers face as they implement more and more technology: “the rise of digital transformation in manufacturing has resulted in a glut of digital tools being used alongside paper-based processes. For teams and individuals, digital tools are a great way to streamline and automate what were once time-consuming and redundant tasks. Yet they also create information silos that mask big-picture views of what’s happening throughout the company.”
Why is this an issue? Cranfill elaborates: “When you have information silos and still rely on paper processes, it takes longer than expected for employees to create weekly or quarterly reports. It’s also impossible to quickly generate a snapshot of what’s happening on the shop floor, or gain a greater understanding of how a snag in the supply chain will cause a ripple effect on customers, staff and distributors. A recent productivity survey found that employees are spending 11 or more hours each week reconciling data to get that big-picture view. Imagine the frustration of employees having to regularly track down information and rekey data to create reports.”
What can manufacturers do to improve productivity while also reducing employee frustration? Cranfill believes technology consolidation, especially amongst software solutions, may be the answer. The author is quick to note that “[t]his doesn’t mean they’re ditching their investments in software with the goal of having less on their plate. Instead, they’re taking a hard look at what employees need to run the business, and which tools are duplicative.”
Can this really help bridge the skills gap? Cranfill is hopeful, because he believes that “the strategic use of technology to streamline information sources and digital tools enables manufacturers to close labor gaps by evaluating which systems and processes undermine productivity. When critical information is centralized and easily accessed through a work-management platform, employees are no longer spending valuable time recreating reports. That’s a plus for both productivity and employee retention.”
Such an approach can also facilitate better training. Cranfill points out that “[h]aving consistent sources of digital information on newer platforms makes training easier, especially since 71% of manufacturers report hiring less skilled workers while increasing on-the-job training. This also appeals to generations who want to work with the latest technologies, and acquire skills that make them attractive to a variety of employers, as opposed to mastering legacy technology.”
As companies embrace new technologies, they will often need to either upskill current workers or hire new workers with the advanced automation technology skills they require. If hiring new workers ends up being part of their automation implementation plan, manufacturers should look for candidates with industry-standard credentials that prove they already possess the advanced automation skills needed to thrive.
For example, if workers possess a certification from the Smart Automation Certification Alliance (SACA), employers can feel confident they’ve already proven they have the knowledge and hands-on skills needed for working with advanced smart automation technologies. SACA has been hard at work collaborating with industry leaders to develop a wide variety of industry-standard certifications that will help employers find workers who possess the advanced connected-systems skills they need to take their businesses to the next level. Be sure to check out SACA and all it has to offer!
- Published in News, Technology
Transforming Manufacturing Operations with IoT
How can you get students interested in jobs in manufacturing? That’s the perennial question that manufacturers have been struggling with for years as they continue to face a critical shortage of skilled workers to fill hundreds of thousands of open positions.
One hurdle to getting students to consider a manufacturing career is the negative impression that many people continue to have about manufacturing in general. Factories are dirty, uncomfortable places to work, right? Manufacturing careers are for people who don’t have the skills to find a better job, correct?
These are the views that manufacturers must battle, and it’s incredibly frustrating because modern manufacturing facilities don’t resemble the buildings full of low-skill assembly line jobs that existed when modern stereotypes were developed.
Instead, today’s manufacturing facilities are marvels of modern technology that need highly skilled workers who want to work with and alongside some of the most advanced technologies available. As manufacturers seek to stay competitive on the global stage, they’ve enthusiastically embraced advanced automation technologies as the means to maximize efficiency and productivity.
In fact, to stay competitive in the modern manufacturing sector, most manufacturers have adopted at least one technology that takes advantage of connecting systems via the Internet of Things (IoT). According to an IoT For All article by Micah Statler, “[b]y leveraging advancements in…IoT…manufacturers are revolutionizing their approach to maintenance and service delivery, particularly through predictive maintenance services.”
Statler highlights three technologies that “are helping manufacturers reduce downtime, optimize resources, and maintain peak operational performance”: “real-time analytics, AI-driven predictive maintenance, and smart sensors.”
For example, smart sensors “which can be integrated into manufacturing machinery – are key to transitioning from reactive to predictive maintenance strategies.” This allows manufacturers to reduce equipment downtime that “can translate to significant production delays and revenue loss.”
Likewise, “IoT-connected devices in manufacturing facilities generate vast amounts of operational data. By leveraging cloud-based real-time analytics platforms, manufacturers can centralize this data for deeper insights…[that] allow operators to prioritize maintenance tasks and adjust workflows, resulting in minimized disruption and improved throughput.”
Building upon analysis of actual data from smart sensors, “[p]redictive maintenance – powered by artificial intelligence (AI) – takes IoT applications to the next level. Machine learning algorithms process sensor data to predict when a component is likely to fail.”
How is that helpful? “Imagine a manufacturer relying on…AI…[to] flag[] potential failure points weeks in advance. Maintenance teams or external service providers can schedule interventions during planned downtime, preventing costly production halts. This proactive approach reduces maintenance costs and extends the lifespan of equipment.”
While these advanced automation technologies offer benefits only imagined a few years ago, they’re not without hurdles to widespread adoption by manufacturers. For starters, many manufacturers already can’t find enough workers to fill open positions. Where are they going to find the highly skilled workers to take advantage of these new technologies?
The solution, of course, is to either upskill current workers or hire new workers with the advanced automation technology skills they require. How can manufacturers be certain prospective workers have the skills they need?
Manufacturers should look for candidates with industry-standard credentials that prove they already possess the skills they need to thrive. For example, if workers possess a certification from the Smart Automation Certification Alliance (SACA), employers can feel confident they’ve already proven they have the knowledge and hands-on skills needed for working with advanced smart automation technologies. SACA has been hard at work collaborating with industry leaders to develop a wide variety of industry-standard certifications that will help employers find workers who possess the advanced connected-systems skills they need to take their businesses to the next level. Be sure to check out SACA and all it has to offer!
- Published in News
Is U.S. Manufacturing Suffering a Productivity Crisis?
“Made in America”—those words have long stood for the pride that millions take in the U.S. manufacturing industry. Ever since the end of World War II, generation after generation of American workers has pushed U.S. manufacturing to new heights.
With the invention of computers and then the Internet, manufacturing—both here in the U.S. and around the world—has been transformed by a variety of advanced automation technologies. This new wave of automation has had a positive impact on manufacturing efficiency and productivity, right?
“Not so fast…” is actually the answer that some researchers are now giving in light of new data. In a recent Information Technology & Innovation Foundation article, author Robert D. Atkinson notes that “labor productivity in U.S. manufacturing, which grew steadily throughout the post-war era until 2010…has slid” and become stagnant over the last decade and a half.
So what gives? It’s clear that modern automation technologies are revolutionizing manufacturing in many areas. Likewise, no one would dispute that these technologies can and do make manufacturing more efficient and productive. So why do statistics show “U.S. manufacturing is becoming less productive?”
Atkinson argues that it’s likely that U.S. manufacturing productivity stagnation could be due to insufficient technological investment, especially from the federal government. That’s right. It’s very possible that governmental leaders have slept on manufacturing productivity for too long, allowing other countries to become more competitive than the U.S.
For example, Atkinson believes that many new technologies, such as “IoT, 3D printing, robotics, and AI,” “seem to have produced more excitement than output” to date. Why would this be the case? According to Atkinson, “one reason for the stagnation in manufacturing productivity is that, according to the National Science Foundation, just 23 percent of U.S. manufacturers were engaged in process innovation, which improves how things are manufactured.”
Moreover, other countries are outpacing U.S. investment in new technologies. For example, “China leaves the United States in the dust when it comes to robot adoption…China installs 12 times more manufacturing robots than would be expected given its wage levels, while the United installs only 73 percent as many as we would expect.”
Atkinson lays a lot of the blame at the feet of the federal government: “frankly, the level of support that the U.S. government provides to incentivize manufacturing technology adoption is pitiful. Japan invests 55 times more in manufacturing support for small and medium-sized enterprises than does the United States, while Germany invests 6 times more.”
What could be done to improve things? Atkinson would like to see “a temporary 25 percent investment tax credit lasting six years to spur a surge of investment in new machinery, equipment, and software” paired with the creation of “a network of five or six automation institutes across the nation that focus on helping U.S. manufacturers automate work and boost productivity.”
The author urges the Department of Commerce to take U.S. manufacturing productivity stagnation seriously “for two main reasons. First, real wages cannot grow faster than productivity growth. Second, without productivity growth (or a serious decline in the value of the dollar), U.S. manufacturing will increasingly find itself at a competitive disadvantage.”
If the federal government heeds Atkinson’s advice, it will also need to dedicate increased resources to training current and future workers to ensure skilled personnel are available to operate, maintain, troubleshoot, and repair advanced automation technologies as they are implemented.
As companies embrace new technologies, they will often need to either upskill current workers or hire new workers with the advanced automation technology skills they require. If hiring new workers ends up being part of their automation implementation plan, manufacturers should look for candidates with industry-standard credentials that prove they already possess the advanced automation skills needed to thrive.
For example, if workers possess a certification from the Smart Automation Certification Alliance (SACA), employers can feel confident they’ve already proven they have the knowledge and hands-on skills needed for working with advanced smart automation technologies.
SACA has been hard at work collaborating with industry leaders to develop a wide variety of industry-standard certifications that will help employers find workers who possess the advanced connected-systems skills they need to take their businesses to the next level. Be sure to check out SACA and all it has to offer!
- Published in News
Robot Dog Roams Michelin Factory Sniffing Out Safety Issues
How great would it be if you could bring your dog to work? Job satisfaction ratings would be sure to go through the roof if workers were able to balance the pain of Excel spreadsheets with a wag of the tail from man’s best friend.
Never-ending staff meeting coming up? No problem! How bad could it be with a handful of furry pals in the room? Of course, not every work environment would be conducive to pets tagging along. For example, you wouldn’t want your favorite Aussie or Labrador running around the manufacturing floor. Or would you?
In a recent Tech Times article by Isaiah Richard, the author explains how Spot, a robot dog created by Boston Dynamics, is helping French tire company Michelin improve operations in its South Carolina manufacturing plant.
So exactly what does Spot do at the Michelin plant? According to Richard, Spot is “well-versed in going around Michelin’s facility and helping the company with various tasks…Spot’s latest responsibility…is to scan different equipment or machines that are running to create its products, and it is capable of surveying over 350 locations in the facility.”
The author notes that “Spot was also given the software called Orbit which would help it process the data it gathered before sending it over to human operators for further analysis. Michelin’s plant managers said that Spot significantly helps in these routine checks and allows humans to save time and jump right into planning on the fix or scheduling repairs instead of individually checking up on its machines.”
While Spot strolls through the factory using its advanced mapping capabilities, its thermal camera “can detect overheating machines or faulty equipment which humans may sometimes overlook or fail to properly determine.” Another manufacturer, Hyundai, has also used Spot “to help its inspection of industrial areas remotely,” lightening the load on human workers and keeping them safer.
What does the inclusion of robot dogs in manufacturing facilities mean for modern industry? While it’s unlikely that robot dogs will take the place of human workers any time soon, future workers could indeed need new skills to enable them to work effectively alongside these new advanced automation technologies.
Companies will likely need to hire new skilled workers or upskill current workers to make the most of increasing automation technologies. How can you be sure a worker has the advanced automation skills needed to excel in the workplace of the future? Many companies look for workers with industry-standard certifications that prove they have the hands-on skills employers need.
The Smart Automation Certification Alliance (SACA) has been hard at work collaborating with industry leaders to develop a wide variety of industry-standard certifications that will help employers find workers who possess the advanced connected-systems skills they need to take their businesses to the next level.
For example, SACA’s Certified Industry 4.0 Robotics Specialist certification confirms that certified individuals can succeed as a robotics technician in modern production environments that use Industry 4.0 technologies. This certification verifies that individuals can install, program, test, interface, and maintain industrial robot systems and workcells. SACA offers a wide variety of other industry-standard certifications focused on advanced automation technologies and related skills. Be sure to check out SACA and all it has to offer!
- Published in News
Digital Twins: From NASA’s Apollo Program to the Factory Floor
Would you believe that one of the most modern technologies currently transforming manufacturing can be traced back decades to our attempt to reach the Moon? That may surprise many people who understand that we reached the Moon with technology most would consider primitive compared to what we take for granted today.
NASA’s Apollo program landed men on the Moon before there was an Internet using computers that weighed 140 pounds and boasted 64kb of memory, not even enough to store the amount of text in the average book. The feats pulled off by the Apollo program were mind-blowing, and the legacy of the program was a wide variety of advancements, like the integrated circuit, fireproof materials, and freeze-dried food.
In a recent Forbes article, author Raghunandan Gurumurthy points out another significant modern technology that can give thanks to the Apollo program: digital twins. According to Gurumurthy, “[t]he concept of digital twins traces back to NASA’s Apollo program, where engineers created detailed simulators to troubleshoot spacecraft systems from Earth.”
The author notes that “it was only with the dawn of the Internet of Things (IoT) and big data analytics that digital twins found their true calling in manufacturing.” He believes manufacturers will soon embrace their power: “Imagine a world where every product, machine and process has a virtual counterpart—a dynamic, data-driven replica that lives in the cloud.”
Gurumurthy believes digital twins have a “unique ability to provide unprecedented insights and control over the manufacturing process.” For example, he has personally used digital twin technology “to optimize assembly line efficiency, significantly reducing energy consumption and material waste.”
Digital twins hold great potential in a variety of manufacturing applications. For example, “[i]n warehouse operations, digital twins can prove invaluable for redesigning layouts, maximizing space utilization through dynamic storage and improving product flow.”
According to Gurumurthy, the real-time monitoring abilities of digital twins can revolutionize maintenance, too: “By continuously analyzing data from sensors embedded in machinery, digital twins can predict when equipment will likely fail. This predictive maintenance approach can decrease downtime and extend the lifespan of manufacturing equipment, reducing waste and the need for replacements.”
As occurs whenever any new advanced automation technology finds a foothold in manufacturing, some people are concerned that digital twins will cause job displacement. Gurumurthy believes that “the reality is more likely a shift in skills.” Rather than replacing workers, digital twins will require workers with advanced automation skills to work alongside them.
It’s important to ensure skilled personnel are available to operate, maintain, troubleshoot, and repair these new technologies as implemented. In many cases, that will mean either upskilling current workers or hiring new workers with the advanced automation technology skills you require.
If hiring new workers ends up being part of your automation implementation plan, look for candidates with industry-standard credentials that prove they already possess the advanced automation skills needed to thrive. For example, if workers possess a certification from the Smart Automation Certification Alliance (SACA), employers can feel confident they’ve already proven they have the knowledge and hands-on skills needed for working with advanced smart automation technologies. SACA has been hard at work collaborating with industry leaders to develop a wide variety of industry-standard certifications that will help employers find workers who possess the advanced connected-systems skills they need to take their businesses to the next level. Be sure to check out SACA and all it has to offer!
- Published in News
Are Robots the Answer to the U.S. Housing Shortage?
Are you currently in the market for a home? If so, you’re already fully aware of how inflated the U.S. housing market has become in the last several years. More and more people are finding it difficult to find a home that they can afford.
Some have termed the current conditions a “housing crisis” and it’s become a hot-button political issue in campaigns across the country. Many economists have pointed to the fact that increasing demand and insufficient supply have contributed to the costs consumers are seeing today. Is there anything that can be done to increase the supply of affordable housing?
Some entrepreneurs think that technology could play a key role in building more homes. Some of you may be thinking, “Really? Technology?” Granted, when you think of construction and real estate, advanced technology probably isn’t one of the first things that comes to mind. That’s why a new approach could pave the way for more new homes.
In a recent Newsweek article by Theo Burman, the author reveals that “[r]obots housed in ‘micro factories’ will be part of a push for housing production across the Midwest, amid a shortage in the U.S.” According to Burman, “[t]he new technology, supplied by U.K. robotics company Automated Architecture (AUAR), will be used by U.S.-based Rival Holdings to expand sustainable real estate development across areas where housing demand is high.”
This is an exciting development for those who may have never considered how advanced automation technologies could impact areas like housing and construction. Burman notes that “[t]he two micro factories, which are small enough to be transported to the U.S. in shipping containers, are capable of producing 180 new homes a year each.”
Beyond simply using robots, “[t]he factories work by constructing timber frames according to an AI-powered design manufacturing software developed by AUAR. The software accounts for local supply chains and building codes.” Company representatives claim that the first “micro factories” used in Belgium “became profitable within six weeks of being established, leading to the scale up to the U.S.”
Burman points out that “ABB Robotics, AUAR’s partner who enabled the expansion into the U.S., said that the new technology could ‘revolutionize the construction industry’ [by]…addressing critical global challenges such as labor and skills shortages.” In fact, the AUAR’s mission is “to build a global automated construction ecosystem for sustainable homes.”
What does this mean for the construction industry in the U.S. and around the world? It’s unlikely that robots will take the place of human construction workers any time soon. However, future construction workers could indeed need new skills to enable them to work effectively alongside new advanced automation technologies.
Construction companies will likely need to hire new skilled workers or upskill current workers to make the most of increasing automation in the construction sector. How can you be sure a worker has the advanced automation skills needed to excel in the workplace of the future? Many companies look for workers with industry-standard certifications that prove they have the hands-on skills employers need.
The Smart Automation Certification Alliance (SACA) has been hard at work collaborating with industry leaders to develop a wide variety of industry-standard certifications that will help employers find workers who possess the advanced connected-systems skills they need to take their businesses to the next level.
For example, SACA’s Certified Industry 4.0 Robotics Specialist certification confirms that certified individuals can succeed as a robotics technician in modern production environments that use Industry 4.0 technologies. This certification verifies that individuals can install, program, test, interface, and maintain industrial robot systems and workcells. SACA offers a wide variety of other industry-standard certifications focused on advanced automation technologies and related skills. Be sure to check out SACA and all it has to offer!
- Published in News
Laying a Solid Foundation for Digital Transformation
Have you ever taken a small child shopping? If you have, then you understand the lengths retailers will go to in order to entice shoppers to make impulse purchases. The end caps filled with “must-have” toys…the sodas, candy bars, and chips that line the sides of the checkout aisles…these items are no accident. They rarely appear on a shopping list, yet they find their way into our carts more than we’d care to admit.
What about at work? Believe it or not, businesses are not immune to impulse purchases. Although we’d like to think that business purchases are well-thought-out and only made after a careful cost-benefit analysis, there are many industrial facilities around the country filled with unused equipment that was purchased without a clear plan of how it would be implemented.
Business impulse purchases aren’t limited to things like office supplies. To the contrary, even advanced automation technologies, such as robots, can be purchased on a whim because companies know they need to implement more technological solutions. However, if those purchases are made without a clear plan regarding how they’re going to be used, they can do more harm than good when it comes to the bottom line.
In a recent IndustryWeek article, author Rick Wheeler argues that “technology itself isn’t the fix; it’s the accelerator. What is the most important part of getting to your digital transformation goals? It is putting the right foundations in place first.”
For Wheeler, this means “understanding the root cause of your asset failures. You’ll only get there through a balance of people, processes, tools and technology. It’s what we call smart operations, and it starts by understanding what your organization needs to change and why you’re trying to change it.”
The author acknowledges that there are businesses out there purchasing technology on what amounts to nothing more than impulse: “We see customers spending millions getting IT systems and instrumentation in place without first having clarity on how and why they need it or are using it. Technology initiatives will likely fail if you are lacking basic job plans and workflows.”
As an initial step, Wheeler recommends you “ask yourself what your organization is trying to accomplish.” With a clear purpose in mind, you can make an informed decision about technology and its proper place.
As Wheeler points out, “[i]t’s safe to say technology is an important consideration in moving from a reactive to a proactive operation – but the balance between your people, processes and technology is critical to your success.”
Finding the proper balance takes time and planning, but the payoff can be huge for both the company and its workers. The author emphasizes that implementing new technologies “means your workers have the opportunity to learn new skills and hone their old ones, possibly leading to reskilling or upskilling your workforce. So while technology might replace some of your missing employees, it may also help you hang on to the ones you want to keep.”
Once you have new technologies in place, creating greater productivity and efficiency, you’re on your way to a better future. But it’s important to remember that you’ve started a process that’s ongoing. As Wheeler summarizes, “[t]here is no finish line when it comes to digital transformation. It’s an ongoing process that requires continuous innovation, improvements and adaptation.”
It also requires ongoing investment in your employees. It’s important to ensure skilled personnel are available to operate, maintain, troubleshoot, and repair these new technologies as implemented. In many cases, that will mean either upskilling current workers or hiring new workers with the advanced automation technology skills you require.
If hiring new workers ends up being part of your automation implementation plan, look for candidates with industry-standard credentials that prove they already possess the advanced automation skills needed to thrive. For example, if workers possess a certification from the Smart Automation Certification Alliance (SACA), employers can feel confident they’ve already proven they have the knowledge and hands-on skills needed for working with advanced smart automation technologies. SACA has been hard at work collaborating with industry leaders to develop a wide variety of industry-standard certifications that will help employers find workers who possess the advanced connected-systems skills they need to take their businesses to the next level. Be sure to check out SACA and all it has to offer!
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SACA Releases New Process Control & Instrumentation Standards
The Smart Automation Certification Alliance (SACA) is pleased to announce the release of new standards covering Process Instrumentation, Basic Process Control, and Advanced Process Control:
- Process Instrumentation
- C-261 Process Measurement Instrumentation 1
- C-262 Process Measurement Instrumentation 2
- Basic Process Control
- C-270 Process Control Systems 1-Flow and Level
- C-271 Process Control Systems 2-Temperature
- C-272 Process Control Systems 3-Pressure
- C-273 Process Control Systems 4-Analytical
- C-274 Process Control Troubleshooting 1
- C-275 Process Data Acquisition 1
- Advanced Process Control
- C-320 Smart Valve Positioners
- C-321 IO-Link Smart Process Instrumentation
- C-322 Visualization and Data Acquisition 1
- C-323 Smart Process Control Systems 1
NOTE: The standards for these credentials have been released. Certification exams for these credentials are being finalized and will be released soon.
Process control and instrumentation are vital parts of many major industries, including: power generation; petrochemicals; food processing and bottling; chemical manufacturing; biotechnology; pharmaceuticals; refineries; and more. These industries need highly skilled workers to fill thousands of open positions, and employers need to know that potential employees have the skills they need to hit the ground running.
That’s why SACA’s new process control and instrumentation standards were developed with input and guidance from a combination of process control industry experts and representatives from various educational organizations. For example, Endress+Hauser collaborated with SACA to host Process Control Technical Work Group meetings at its U.S. headquarters in Greenwood, Indiana, as well as its campus in Pearland, Texas, south of Houston.
Representatives from many different organizations gathered to validate certification standards for process control and instrumentation, including: Endress + Hauser, Rockwell Automation, Vector Controls and Automation Group, Kirby Risk, Pearland Economic Development Corporation, The Manufacturers’ Association, the American Technical Education Association, the American Association of Community Colleges, the University of Wisconsin-Stout, Ivy Tech Community College, Monroe Community College/Finger Lakes Workforce Development Center, Galveston College, Lee College, Del Mar College, Lamar Institute of Technology, Alvin Community College, and San Jacinto College..
Thanks to these organizations and their expertise on the skills and competencies needed for today’s smart manufacturing workforce, SACA created these new nationally recognized, occupation-driven standards in the field of process control and instrumentation.
According to SACA Executive Director Jim Wall, “the whole goal of having the standards and certifications program is to help schools and colleges and other training providers develop and expand programs that include these new technologies, so that we get more people with these skills into the workforce.”
About SACA
SACA sits at the forefront of the effort to certify students and workers who demonstrate the required knowledge and hands-on smart automation skills employers so desperately need. SACA’s certifications were developed in conjunction with industry partners who could speak from experience about their needs when it comes to workers able to work alongside a variety of advanced automation technologies.
SACA offers a wide variety of certifications in popular industrial skill areas, including certifications at the Associate, Specialist, and Professional level. For those wishing to focus on building a strong foundation of skills employers need, SACA also offers many micro-credentials that allow students and workers to add certifications as they master new areas.
For workers, SACA certifications can help market their smart automation skills to potential employers. For those employers, SACA certifications represent confirmation that a worker has the skills to hit the ground running in the workplace.
To learn more about Industry 4.0 certifications and how SACA can help both future workers and industrial employers begin the task of bridging the Industry 4.0 skills gap, contact SACA for more information.
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