In an effort to ease some of the burden on school administrators and provide students an opportunity for valuable certifications, the Smart Automation Certification Alliance – a non-profit organization better known as SACA – is offering a special membership price for high schools and colleges to develop and deploy modular Industry 4.0 certifications for a wide range of industries.
From now until Dec. 31, 2020, SACA membership will be available for a special rate to help educational institutes during these difficult times.
- Colleges: A year-long membership for colleges will run $1,750, down from its normal $2,500/year price.
- High Schools: Year-long high school memberships will cost $375, down from its typical $500 annual cost.
Schools will have the option of buying up to three years of membership at this price. Memberships run for 12 months from the time of payment, and this special pricing will not be available in 2021.
Education Member Benefits include:
- Unlimited, free certifications to individuals enrolled as students of the member institution;
- Access to all SACA assessment materials;
- Discounted instructor/administrator training;
- Access to news of latest developments in Industry 4.0 technology, education, and certification;
- Authorization to advertise as a SACA Certification Site;
- Eligible to be profiled by SACA in its communications and advertising;
- Discounted registration fees for SACA Conferences; and
- Eligible to be a member of SACA Education Advisory Panel.
All SACA certifications, which can be attained both in-person and virtually, are available on two levels: Silver and Gold.
SACA Silver Certifications: This certification, which is ideal for distance learning, is awarded to candidates who successfully pass the written knowledge exam. These exams are delivered online through the SACA testing portal. Once the candidate is ready to take the certification test, the proctor logs into the SACA site and clicks the online proctor button. The candidate will then remotely access the certification test.
Silver Certification is ideal for those individuals who are seeking to validate online core achievement or when hands-on testing is not available.
SACA Gold Certifications: This certification is awarded to candidates that successfully pass the written knowledge exam and successfully complete the hands-on performance assessments on approved equipment. Once the skills are demonstrated correctly and reported by the proctor, the candidate is eligible to receive the full Gold certification.
Who Is SACA?
SACA’s vision is to provide highly affordable, accessible certifications that significantly increase the number of individuals who possess the skills represented by these credentials, thereby ensuring that companies have the highly skilled workers they need, and individuals are prepared to be successful in an Industry 4.0 world.
Why Choose SACA?
For schools that choose to become a member of SACA, certification opportunities will be aplenty for students. Not only are SACA certifications industry-driven, and developed for industry by industry, but they are also developed through a rigorous process that begins with the creation of truly international skill standards, endorsed by leading experts in Industry 4.0 technologies throughout the world. Certification examinations are created based on these standards, pilot-tested, and statistically analyzed to ensure quality, and are reviewed annually to ensure standards and examinations remain current and relevant in the fast-changing world of Industry 4.0.

For more information on how to take advantage of SACA’s special membership pricing, please contact us here.