WHAT: SACA Gold Certification Workshop
WHEN: Monday, June 10 – Friday, June 14, 2024 | 8 am-4 pm
WHERE: Lakeshore Technical College, Cleveland Campus
SACA is excited to announce its next Gold Certification Workshop, offered in partnership with Lakeshore Technical College and LAB Midwest. This workshop presents an excellent opportunity for educators and workforce professionals interested in upskilling to gain valuable SACA credentials.
The workshop will feature assessments for 20 different Gold Level certifications, comprised of the Associate level certifications and many of the micro-credentials from the Certified Industry 4.0 Automation Systems Specialist certification. Participants will train on equipment before certifying in the specified testing areas.
CLICK HERE to register for the Gold Certification Workshop
For more information, download a Gold Certification Worshop flyer.
COST: $475 per day; includes lunch | $1,995 for the entire 40-hour week
Note: Silver certifications must be completed before taking gold exams. If you have not completed your silver certifications, please contact Lucas Dulmes at lucas.dulmes@gotoltc.edu.
When completing registration for this event please select the date/dates you would like to attend along with the SACA Gold Level certifications you would like to complete. Please select no more than 3 per day to allow enough time to complete each certification.
We look forward to seeing you in June at the Cleveland Campus of Lakeshore Technical College for the Gold Certification Workshop. To learn more about Lakeshore Technical College and how SACA certifications are helping students prove they possess the hands-on skills needed to excel in the modern workplace, check out this video: