Smart Automation Certifications | Industry 4.0
SACA’s Smart Automation certifications use a modular structure to enable them to fit a wide range of individual needs, industries, and educational environments. SACA offers certifications in three categories: Associate, Specialist, & Professional. Each certification is stackable, allowing individuals to start with one certification and add other certifications to customize their documented skills. Certifications are occupationally-focused, so they prepare individuals for specific occupations in the world of Industry 4.0.
Certification Preparation
SACA certification examinations and hands-on testing are performed at SACA Authorized Testing Centers. Organizations can become a testing center by becoming a SACA member and sending at least one individual in the organization to SACA Teacher Training.
To be considered for certification, individuals must be employees or students of a SACA member. Individuals can prepare for the online examination using any text, online courses, or other means that align with the standards. No specific course is necessary. Individuals passing the written examination receive a Silver Credential. To prepare for the hands-on evaluation, individuals can use any means to develop the skills. No specific brand of training equipment in necessary. The hands-on examination, though, must be performed on SACA-approved equipment.

SACA certifications are industry-driven, developed for industry by industry. They are developed through a rigorous process that begins with the creation of truly international skill standards, endorsed by leading experts in Industry 4.0 technologies throughout the world. Certification examinations are created based on these standards, pilot tested, and statistically analyzed to ensure quality. Each certification includes a proctored hands-on evaluation and an online test to ensure that candidates for certification can "do" as well as "know." SACA uses an annual review process for all certifications to ensure that standards and examinations remain current and relevant in the fast-changing world of Industry 4.0.
Silver and Gold Certifications
All SACA certifications can be attained on two levels: Silver and Gold.
SACA Silver Certifications: This certification is awarded to candidates who successfully pass the written knowledge exam. These exams are delivered online through the SACA testing portal. Once the candidate is ready to take the certification test, the proctor logs into the SACA site and clicks the online proctor button. The candidate will then remotely access the certification test.
Silver Certification is ideal for those individuals who are seeking to validate online core achievement or when hands-on testing is not available.
SACA Gold Certifications: This certification is awarded to candidates that successfully pass the written knowledge exam and successfully complete the hands-on performance assessments on approved equipment. Once the skills are demonstrated correctly and reported by the proctor, the candidate is eligible to receive the full Gold certification.
Need more information? Read through the SACA Gold and Silver Certification Details document for a more in-depth explanation of the full process, including who can proctor exams and assessments.
Teacher Training/Certification
SACA provides extensive training courses to equip teachers to promote Industry 4.0 certifications. These professional development opportunities are offered throughout the year at regional centers. Courses last 3-5 days each. Upon successful completion of each course, teachers will be certified in the process of examining students for a given credential and administrating a certification preparation course.